Wednesday, November 26, 2014

OK, just received an AWESOME story!! Ready?

A long distance trucker I know very well recently gave his Life back to Jesus after living for many years with his back completely turned from fact, he would have considered himself an atheist. 

Life without Jesus started to take a toll on his life. After having many conversations with him and many answered prayers, he gave his life back to Jesus. I challenged him to take a case of Bibles with him on the Road to give away as God provides opportunities. He's been able to share his faith with a number of people at truck stops already...he says its an awesome place to meet people who are lonely, searching and willing to talk.

Yesterday he calls me up and says..I just gave away a whole box of Bibles you gave me. A guy came up to me at a truckstop in Virginia and tried to share his faith with me and gave me a tract. After I told him I was a Christian already, he says " I am at this truckstop all the time telling people about Jesus. I buy these tracts with my own money and was wondering if you could spot me some cash so I can buy more. This guy was awesome...spending his days sharing his testimony with truckers and introducing them to the Gospel. I said, I have something better than cash..I have a whole box of Bibles for people who are searching. I'm going to give you the entire Box.
This guy was unbelievably happy!! He couldn't believe it!!
Give the Word is going to be getting a call from this guy when he needs more....I can't wait to have a conversation with him.

Give the Word reaching truckers in Virginia...who'd of thought!! 

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