Saturday, October 25, 2014

Someone asked me recently... Why does Give The Word provide Bibles for free even to people who CAN afford them? Do you have conditions put on the Bibles you give away? Great questions…

1. We do a lot of speaking to youth groups, churches and individuals on the importance of Sharing your faith and provide the Bibles for them to do it.
Know God….and make Him known!!
We raise funds to provide Bibles so that cost is never an issue when an individual or group wants to share their faith. When you attach a condition to the gift, they have a reason to not Give a Bible away.

2. When working with ministries or churches (camps/prisons/street ministries/youth/…we will always gladly accept donations for the Bibles we provide for them. On the other hand, if cost is a reason for someone or an organization NOT to give Bibles away, we would rather eliminate that cost/donation barrier by providing the Bibles and offering them a tool to maximize their outreach.

3. Yes we have a conditions.
- We chat with every ministry that we provide Bibles for about how the Bibles will be used should we partner with them. We ask when the Bibles will be used, and how many will they be needing. The last thing we want is to give Bibles away and have them sit in a warehouse or for the Bibles to be given to believers who just want to add to their Bible collection. We put so much work into funding these Bibles…it would be unwise to not be careful in these areas.
-We ask every single ministry we connect with to give a story and picture of what happened with the Bibles they received. This is a must. We want to make sure our supporters feel connected to what we are doing and to know that Bibles are truly going out to ministries who need them.

We work very hard to raise the funds needed to buy outreach focused Bibles so that ministries and individual can have free access to the Word of God. We usually have around 5000-10,000 Bibles on hand at at time. As our stock goes down…we are hard at work to make sure we can order another 10-15 thousand to keep up.

Many supporting ministries and churches provide funding for the Bibles they need voluntarily. As relationships are formed and the vision is caught, many churches come on board to help supply funding for Bibles to the ministries who cannot afford them and to the ones who we are just starting out building relationships with.

Give The Word…..It's what we do….It's our SOUL purpose!

Thank you to all our supporters who generously give so that we can do what we do. Thank you to all the ministries out their who are active in getting the Word into peoples hands. Thank you to our amazing God is opening new doors every day!!

Ryan Rempel
Give The Word

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